Homo Novus


Festival scenography

Grāfienes (Latvia)
29.08., 30.08., 31.08., 1.09., 3.09., 4.09., 5.09., 6.09., 7.09., 8.09. Different times and locations | Free

The collective of young theatre makers, a rare phenomenon in Latvian scenography, Dace Ignatova, Justīne Jasjukēviča, Ildze Jurkovska, Marianna Lapiņa represented Latvia at the Prague Quadrennial 2023 with their scenography work “On our way” – a living laboratory where the principles of theatre space can be created, tested, and questioned. For the collective, scenography is never separate from the action, and performance space is always in relation to someone or something that activates it, be it an actor, a spectator, or a ray of light. Throughout the festival, “Grāfienes” will be involved with the proceeding of “Homo Novus”, reacting to the festival’sevents with their performative and spatial interventions.

From 29 of September until 8 of August

Different times and locations


Pop-up spatial interventions

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