Homo Novus


Queer Tango Club

Katrīna Dūka, Queer Tango Club (Latvia)
6.09. 19:00, Festival centre, Marijas iela 11, Rīga | Free

Queer Tango Club is a research project, a performance and a group of local queer enthusiasts that have committed to learn the basics of Argentine tango dance over this summer. Their aim is to (re)discover the dance through their own lens of acceptance, respect, cooperation, and non-sexualized eroticism. While rehearsing the dance steps, the group also envisions queer futurities and social structures that transcend current norms and limitations related to gender, sexuality, and identity. The work-in-progress performance allows us to observe how Argentinian tango becomes a language to express the desire for connection and intimacy, but also to question rules, expectations, and etiquettes enforced on all bodies.


About Queer Tango Club

Queer Tango Club is a temporary collective with diverse members who all share their interest in social dancing. Currently there are 11 members: Andrejs, Artis, Barbara, Diāna, Laima, Lauris, Linda, Mikus, Mišela, Katrīna, Oskars. The initiative for the project came from Katrīna Dūka, an emerging theatre-maker and researcher who works with queer performance, communities, and participatory theatre.


Idea, direction: l Katrīna Dūka
Performers: Queer Tango Club
Composer: Līva Blūma
Tango teacher, choreography: Aigars Stirna
Supported by: EFFEA – European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists, Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonds




Festival centre

Free entrance


No language barriers


30 min

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