Homo Novus


How things end (Work in progress)

Jānis Balodis, Nahuel Cano, Teodēzija Balode (Latvia, Argentina)
29.08. 20:00, Festival centre, Marijas Street 11 | Free

Work in progress

We are still thinking about “how things end”, but we have one version of how it all began: “In the beginning there was Potato. The Potato didn’t want to go into the ground. But the Potato got there anyway, and that’s how the Earth and everything else came into being. Potato would have preferred to keep flying around.”
How Things End is a collaboration between Latvian theatre maker Jānis Balodis, Argentinian director and musician Nahuel Cano and Jānis’ nine-year-old daughter Teodēzija. The work is an attempt to create a moment to learn something more about life and death, and – most importantly – to forget who usually teaches whom.


About artists

Janis Balodis was born in 1987 in Riga when it was part of the USSR. He grew up in Riga when it was (and still is) a part of the Republic of Latvia. Back then it was a place that was very much trying to catch up on things that were absent during the 50 years of occupation, like Neo-liberal free-market capitalism and free and fair elections. He has been working in theatre professionally since 2009 as playwright, dramaturg and occasionally as a performer. Janis is a recent graduate from DAS Theatre in the Netherlands. He also has been teaching drama at school and playwriting at the Latvian Academy of Culture. His main interests in theatre are related to society, asking – how are we here together? And are we together at all?

Nahuel Cano was born in Neuquén, Wallmapu, known today as Argentina’s Patagonia. He lives and works between Buenos Aires and Amsterdam. He is an actor, theatre-maker, and an autodidact sound experimenter. His practice is based in the modification of the given relationships that are created in a performative space, through and beyond the body. His field of artistic action is mobile, exploring the possibilities of performance, installation, sound, and theatre. Currently his explorations are sound and space based, in an attempt to listen and sound differently.
As an actor, he has worked both in cinema and theatre with important directors like Lucrecia Martel, Lotte van Der Berg, Diederik Van Rooijen, and Alejandro Tantanián, among others. From 2010 until 2017 Nahuel developed his artistic projects together with his group El Cuarto, these works have been presented in multiple international festivals and have received support and awards from national and international institutions. Nahuel is also a founding member of Escena Política, an artistic collective that has organised actions, forums and performances advocating for more inclusive and fair practices in the arts field in Buenos Aires.
In 2020 Nahuel graduated from the DAS Theatre Master program in Amsterdam. At this moment, he is working on a tryptic of sound pieces with the experimental music ensemble Modelo62. He is also developing a platform and subjective territory from which to keep expanding his research and solo work: Kütral – Nahuel.


Concept, performers: Jānis Balodis, Noels Kano, Teodēzija Balode

Supported by Workspace Performing Arts WPZIMMER, Antwerp, Belgium.




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